61 F - A Village Map

The 61 F - A village is located in the state Rajasthan having state code 08 and having the village code 064297. The Ganganagar is the district of this village with district code 099. The total geographical area in which this village is expanded in 201.52 hectares / 2.0152 Square Kilometers (km2) / 497.96676473264 acres. The content of this page is for your general information and use only.

Village Name61 F - A
Village Code Number064297
Geographical Area201.52 hectares / 2.0152 Square Kilometers (km2) / 497.96676473264 acres

Map of 61 F A Village in Rajasthan Image

Location Details

The 61 F - A village is situated in the Ganganagar district with district code number 099. Karanpur is the subdistrict (tehsil / mandal), is a low-level administrative division of a district, of this village, having the sub district code is 00457. Karanpur is the Community Development Block (C.D. Block) of this village with C.D. Block code number 0001. Karanpur is the Sub-district headquarter of this village and it is situated 18 kilometres away from this village. The district headquarters' name is Ganganagar and as per distance concern it is 68 kilometres from the 61 F - A village.

61 F - A location details
Community Development Block (C.D. Block) NameKaranpur
Sub District NameKaranpur
District NameGanganagar
State NameRajasthan

61 F - A on Google Map

Village 61 F A Google MAP Karanpur image

Nearest Towns / Cities

Karanpur is the nearest statutory town of the village 61 F - A, which is 18 kilometres away from the village. Rajasthan is the nearest statutory town of this village lies within the state of Rajasthan.

61 F - A Households and Populations

The total number of households in 61 F - A village are 4. It rely on the total population of 15 people. As far as male population concern the number of population is 9 of the village 61 F - A and the total female population number is 6. The reference taken to publish these data is of year 2009. The source of data is Census of India.

Sex Ratio

The sex ratio is the ratio of 61 F - A males to females in the population of 15 (normalized to 100). In most sexually reproducing species, the ratio tends to be 1:1 as it is explained by Fisher's principle. The sex ratio of 61 F - A village is 150.

61 F - A population and Sex ratio details
Total Households4
Total 61 F - A Village Population15
Total Male Population9
Total Female Population6
Sex Ratio150

61 F - A Survey Numbers

How to get 61 F - A village map with survey numbers in Rajasthan?

A survey number is a unique number given to an unambiguous piece of 61 F - A village land in order to maintain a record of the location, size, shape and proprietorship information of the property. The land survey number works as a record of information relating to a specific plot of 61 F - A property in Rajasthan state. It is beneficial when registering plots, selling plots, resolving legal disputes, for planning the development of neighbouring areas and so on.

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