Village Maps of Obra Tehsil / Taluk / Taluka / Mandal / Sub-district , Aurangabad, India

Select a village from below list to view village map, total geographical area, population, survey number and location related details in Obra tehsil / taluk / taluka / mandal / sub-district of Aurangabad district of India. Currently we are having 151 village map information in our website.

Tehsil / Taluk / Taluka / Mandal / Sub-district Name:Obra
Number of Villages:151
Obra Village Maps on Google image
Map of Bazidpur Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Bazidpur village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Gortara village map with survey numbers in Bihar Image


Get information on Gortara village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Map of Bhasgarh Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Bhasgarh village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Map of Jhuklahi Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Jhuklahi village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Map of Sadikpur Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Sadikpur village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Map of Kaithi Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Kaithi village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Map of Mehda Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Mehda village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.

Map of Dihri Village in Bihar Image


Get information on Dihri village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Obra, Aurangabad, Bihar.